Abhyanga and How it Heals

Abhyanga in simple terms means ‘the application of oil on the skin followed by massage in specific directions'. In Ayurveda, abhyanga is given an importance for multiple purposes i.e. it could be a self-body massage as a part of Dinacharya (Daily morning routine) or conducted by a trained Panchakarma professional for curing many of the diseases belonging to different systems of the body. Depending on one’s Prakriti when abhyanga is performed, it supports the excellence of body tissues (Dhatus).

Health benefits of abhyanga :

⦁ Rejuvenates and tones the skin and underlying tissues

⦁ Cleanses the pores and makes skin lustrous and soft

⦁ Musculoskeletal and nervous system health maintenance

⦁ Strengthens Dhatus (various body tissues) and increases stamina

⦁ Improves proper circulation and lymph drainage

⦁ Improves sleep patterns

⦁ Increases longevity and delays aging

⦁ Improves vision

⦁ Helps grow lustrous hair

⦁ Nourishes the whole body

⦁ Balances the doshas, especially Vata

Moreover, a study published by Granstein, Richard D et al in Neuroimmunology of the skin states that oiling the skin everyday helps keep the skin microbiome healthy, which in turn supports our immunity, and the active communication between the skin microbes, the environmental microbes, the gut microbes, and the function of the whole body. If the skin dries out, which is the common manifestation of Vata dosha imbalance, the skin microbiome weakens, so does our immunity, longevity and vitality. So, protecting the skin, which is the largest organ of our body with billions of microbes, turns out to be the most important health and longevity factors.

Various types of Abhyanga and their role in our health:

Siro Abhyanga:

This procedure/bodywork involves application of medicated oils on head, neck and shoulders region. Since these areas are more prone to stress and tension, it relives stress and stress related conditions.

⦁ It prevents headache

⦁ Prevents hair falling, early graying, or balding

⦁ Hair becomes strong and grows in length

⦁ Skull bones become stronger

⦁ Brightens facial skin

⦁ Promotes sound sleep

Other types of Abhyanga performed as per an individual's health needs :

⦁ Griva Abhyanga/Oil application on neck

⦁ Mukha Abhyanga/oil application on the face

⦁ Deha-Abhyanga/ Applying oil on the body

⦁ Pada abhyanga/ Application of oil on the feet

Consult your Ayurvedic Health Care Practitioner in assessing your Prakriti and Vikruti and be advised which type of bodywork would be most appropriate and beneficial for maintaining your optimal health.

To book an Abhyanga, visit our Panchakarma page.

Om Prakash Sanduja, Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor

The Ayurveda information provided here is solely for education purposes and in no way intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.
