I have found that using 1 g of turmeric with raw honey and warm milk is an effective cough suppressant. Unfortunately, with me, turmeric also causes rapid and extreme nasal congestion. Is there something within Ayurveda, which I can add to turmeric, which will nullify or reverse the nasal congestive property of the salicylates in turmeric? I am one week into the most extreme upper respiratory viral infection in 62 years and the coughing is terrible. I have not been able to sleep in our bed for a week now (I have to sleep sitting up) and I am getting quite desperate. Western medicine is helpless. Thank you.
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Hi Kevin, see if adding 1/8 tsp of fresh ground black pepper will help to offset the side effect you’re having. You can also try the paste directly without the milk. I can suggest a more complete course for this virus. Pls email me directly at : ajain@vedichealth.org. Give me your age, current meds and supplements and any medical diagnoses. I’ll reply with a protocol. Blessings, Amita