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Ayurvedic Management of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

The pressure that the blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels is called blood pressure. The resistance that blood vessels have and also the work that the heart does determines the blood pressure. According to the American Hospital Association's 2017 guideline, hypertension occurs when the blood pressure is greater than 130/80 mmHg.

Types of hypertension:

1) Primary hypertension: Hypertension that is not linked to any other disease. Some causes of such hypertension are:

Change in the volume of blood

Changes in hormones that manage volume and pressure of the blood

Stress, lack of physical activity and other environmental factors

2) Secondary hypertension: Hypertension, which is the result of any disease. The complication in any other disease causes secondary hypertension to occur. Some causes are:


Overweight or obesity


Excess consumption of salt.

Corticosteroid drugs resulting in Cushing syndrome

A rare cancer of adrenal gland called pheochromocytoma

Diabetes because of nerve damage and kidney problems.

Symptoms of hypertension:

Having severe headaches

Fatigue and tiredness


Having vision problems

Breathing difficulties

Having an irregular heartbeat

Blood traces in urine

Pounding in chest, neck, and ear

Complications of hypertension

In the initial stage, the following complications are not seen. The symptoms seen are generally ignored until they become worse and take the following forms :

Brain stroke

Heart failure

Heart attacks



Kidney diseases

Ayurvedic view

Hypertension is similar to Rakatagata Vata in Ayurveda. The disrupted Vata deposits in the blood (rakta dhatu), therefore there is a disturbance in the circulation of the blood. Pitta and Kapha disruption also contribute to the disease. The disease causes also include the imbalance of rajas and tamas bhava (main causes of disease in Ayurveda) in the initial or terminal stage.


The main goal of Ayurvedic treatment of hypertension is to regain the balance of the doshas. Hence first the dosha that has imbalance is identified, and later treatment is done according to it. Some steps in treating hypertension are:

1. Managing diet and lifestyle by identifying and eliminating causes like excess salt, alcohol, stress, etc.

2. Digestion process and digestion fire (Agni) are strengthened.

3. Toxin(ama) and excess doshas are removed from the body by the following:



Panchakarma techniques such as virechana and basti etc.

For mind relaxation, yoga and Pranayam are suggested

Herbal formulations used to treat high blood pressure:

Brahmi vati

Sarpagandha vati




Jatamansi vati

Lashunadi vati

We carry many of these herbal formulations. They are safe and effective. For assistance with Ayurvedic and natural herbs to help manage and balance blood pressure, contact Om Sanduja at Vedic Health.

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